Saturday, May 14, 2016

Taste the Bitter, Appreciate the Sweet

Hello y'all,

My witness of hope this week is this: Jesus Christ can heal us all. There is a reason he is call the "Great Physician." His attributes far outstretch our effort alone. Rather than letting y'all wait and see, I'll tell you some of the ways I saw his hand this week. Other trials that brought smiles to my face might bring some trials to yours.

Maybe I'd rather begin with a little bit of bitter. In our efforts to branch out and find new people, we've been walking around a trailer park that missionaries have visited before. In the past, I've had bad experiences with the management yelling at us for being there, though they don't have a right to do that. To cut this shorter, while we were there this past week the management pulled up to us and began to curse us out as we were talking to someone at her door. They threatened some things at us and we made an unconscious decision together to submit and they took us on their golf cart to our car, and watched us drive off.

Elder Anderson and I were frustrated with what happened. Legally, they weren't allowed to do what they did. We voiced our thoughts to each other about the situation, both of us aware that the people in the area need what we have. This isn't a pride issue, it's a matter of being where the Lord wants us to be so that we can bless who he wants us to bless. It is his work.

That event made it more difficult for me to focus for the rest of the night. Contention is of the adversary. He wants us to fight with anyone verbally, knowing that any contention would drive the Spirit away. The management did not win however -- we eventually came away from the situation calm, a little bruised emotionally, but well. At one point while we were on the golf cart I thought to myself, "nothing left to do but enjoy the breeze." I did my best to do that. I pray that if I ever come into contact with them in the future, I don't lose my temper. That won't help me, my companion, or anyone else.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention: I will stay in Lake Travis for my final transfer of my mission. Well, that is anticipated I'm sure. If I stay longer, it isn't because I made that decision. Anyways, I'll enjoy the last transfer here.

B and A are doing great. B in particular seems to be changing little bit by little bit. It's as if she has more light in her eyes. That being said, there is opposition in her surroundings. She doesn't have any members as family, and A is learning alongside her. Our plan, cheers to it working well, is an FHE tonight that they are already invited to. If they can make it, things will go smoothly, if they can't, well, life will still go on. B is also getting pulled in different directions by family and neighbors. If nothing else, we can arm her with faith in God necessary to overcome these challenges. This family is wonderful.

Elder Oak's talk of good, better, best always seems to come up sometime each week. That topic also applies to the spiritual nourishment that we get as we meditate and partake of the sacrament. When I was young, sacrament meeting was something you went to. Like all gifts from God, they help us to the extent we use those blessings.

In relation to transfers, the borders of our districts are changing. Because of the recent change in Llano, our district will no longer include Marble Falls or Llano, and now Elder Aguila is the district leader. It's a bit of a tender mercy, actually. Leadership is opportunity to learn love, but it is also an added weight upon our shoulders. I'm glad to proselyte with my companion, Elder Anderson. Elder Smith is also staying where he is. I'm running out of blessings to say.

My heart has burned throughout this past transfer. How can I withstand such a powerful flame? I cannot help but share that flame, that excitement, or perish for holding onto it. I think there is a reference to this allegory in Ezekiel somewhere.

Questions and Answers

How are they (Venita, Dennis, and their granddaughter) doing?

Venita has recovered from her sickness, and she made it to church yesterday. Rather than focusing on the idea of church attendance by itself, she seemed to also enjoy the sacrament meeting, and the classes afterwards. We got nervous when she went out the front doors, but she came back in. I spoke too soon. Dennis comes out more each time we meet, and Venita's desire to bring him to the temple.

And how are B and A this week?  

They are progressing. At times it is hard to bring English speakers to a lesson with Spanish speakers, so we'll see what we can do to help them connect to the ward. We're hoping the stars align and we can bring someone that can teach alongside us.

And how is H doing?

He seems to be doing well. We weren't able to find him at church or at home. He's getting busier. It is evidence that he loves his family, but also evidence that we need to help them out.

What experiences have you had this week being led by the Spirit? 

Speaking of Brenda, we went by them yesterday and they weren't home. Without giving up, we decided to walk around the area to talk to those outside. And whadayah know, they drove by and we talked to them for a couple minutes. That was a tender mercy. I also felt I was lead to hold my tongue as we were abducted by the trailer management.

Picture time:

Elder Trent and I after an exchange for a doctor's visit

Before that, Elder Smith stole my ipad and took a picture.

We went to this house in our area, and found a little more than we had anticipated

The baptism (my face was not prepared for the photo)


Elder Hall

Texas San Antonio Mission

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