How's it?
Pretty good week this week. It didn't rain nearly as much as
I thought it would. It was funny, we got internet connection this one time and
my weather app said it had a 95% chance of raining on us in the next ten
minutes. Nothing at all happened. The anticlimax was so thick you could cut it
with a knife and spread it on toast.
At dinner we got some time-turners from members. Finally,
now I can squeeze three years of work into the two years I'm called to serve. I
also am waiting on a member to make me a few tie-dye shirts. I'm pretty excited
for this, especially since the person who makes them is really good at what she
does. Oddly enough, you pick up more trinkets than you think you will on a
mission. No wonder it becomes so difficult to fit everything at the end of the
two years.
So this last Sunday we had something called a regional
conference. I had never heard of one before, and I don’t remember attending
one. Perhaps my parents can fill in where I can't. Elder Robbins, Sister Reeves, Elder Corbridge,
and Elder Oaks spoke to us along with our stake president. Elder Robbins added
to the insights given by President Uchtdorf in the latest conference about
simplicity. His words were too complicated to understand. Just kidding. With
that, we had a few hours extra to proselyte, with our regular 5+ hours toppling
only into the 2 required for the conference. Definitely less church stress as a
I've begun to realize that the sister missionaries that came
out with me are now beginning to enter the last months of their mission life.
Dad gum, I'm old! Not just old, but more like ye-olde. And when I finish my
service, President and Sister Slaughter will be on the ending cusp of theirs.
Ouch, time goes by too quickly.
None of our investigators made it to church however. I was
sad, but I'll get over it eventually.
and Answers
How is your heart?
Pumping, healthy, likely isn't gunked with too much
And how do you
observe your good companion's, Elder Brough's, heart to be doing?
Similar? He's pretty good. He, like Elder Black, is not
prone to show too much emotion on the surface, even when he is happy.
Has your test shirt been useful?
those who don’t know, my Mom sent me a new shirt and asked if it was the right
Could you still use a
more tailored at the waist fit? (From
Mom again.)
Nar. (No)
How are the people
you serve doing?
K's fine. He's had some concerns about recent church
doctrine that we will likely have to overcome. T is progressing slowly,
and we have been advice to take it slow with him. T2 keeps missing church.
It's a little frustrating. Praying for a miracle on his behalf. And D is fine,
but we didn't see her last week. I wonder if I will see them all again, or be
transferred. ????
How is the Lord
helping weakness to become strengths in you because of your obedient service as
a missionary?
I'm a spoiled missionary. My energy tank is frequently full
though I probably wouldn't have in in the same circumstances otherwise. I'll fill in more next week.
Do you know how much
you are loved?
Yes. Ja vohl. Sí.
What tender mercies
has the Lord sent you this week?
Seeing D and K progress more than they have in a long while
was nice. I don't know, the biggest tender mercy has simply been staying here
on a mission. These two years are the longest short time I've ever had.
Elder Garver caked the Sisters. The sisters had made the
cake for my birthday. How nice! (The baking of the cake, not the caking of the bakers.)
The district in normal.
Elder Hall
Texas San Antonio Mission
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